Dogecoin mining on Digital Ocean

The Goal

Create a droplet on Digital Ocean to mine Dogecoins so fun much profits.


The Links

Create a droplet

sandor@theargo> tugboat create lucydoge -s 62 -i 308287 -r 3 -k 44888
Name:             lucydoge
Status:           active
Region ID:        3
Image ID:         308287
Size ID:          62
Backups Active:   false

Create user

root@lucydoge:~# history
root@lucydoge:~# ls -al
root@lucydoge:~# useradd -m lucy
root@lucydoge:~# passwd lucy
root@lucydoge:~# adduser lucy sudo

Update Debian

root@lucydoge:~# apt-get -y update && apt-get -y upgrade

Install Screen

root@lucydoge:~# apt-get install screen

Install a CPU Miner

root@lucydoge:~# sudo apt-get install git build-essential autotools-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev autoconf automake
lucy@lucydoge:~# mkdir ~/miner2049er
lucy@lucydoge:~# cd miner2049er
lucy@lucydoge:~# git clone
lucy@lucydoge:~# cd cpuminer
lucy@lucydoge:~# ./
lucy@lucydoge:~# CFLAGS="-O3 -Wall -msse2" ./configure
lucy@lucydoge:~# make

Find a Mining Pool

Mining Pools

  • Create a new address for mining deposits
  • Add that mining address to your pool profile

Start mining

lucy@lucydoge:~# ./minerd --url stratum+tcp://server:port --userpass

enjoy much coins